NVivo is designed for qualitative researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are Researchers in qualitative data management and analysis using NVivo software. This course aims to build the capacity of qualitative Qualitative researchers now have the option to apply computer technology in their approach for data management and analysis to ease the complexity of the research process. Qualitative data is multifaceted, rich in nature, unstructured andĪt times can be overwhelming. Managing and analyzing qualitative data can be a trying experience. Most research activities nowadays employ the use of mixed methods that embrace both qualitative and quantitative data. In the New Node dialog box, enter a name and description (optional).Course Title: Qualitative Data Management and Thematic Analysis using NVivo 12.Select the unit of text you want to code in the source item, then drag and drop it into List View, over the prompt “Drag selection here to code to a new node”.If you are taking an inductive approach to coding, you attach codes to units of data as you analyse your files. Click on the text, then drag and drop it over the required node.Select the unit of text you want to code in the data file.Select a Color to specify the colour of coding stripes (optional).To incorporate reference from child nodes within the parent node, select the Aggregate coding from children checkbox.If the node name is very long, you can create a Nickname which will be shorter and quicker to use in the quick coding bar. In the New Node dialog box, enter a Name and Description (optional) for the node.If you are taking a deductive approach, you will have a list of pre-defined codes and want to create nodes for these and then code your sources to the relevant node.